Another late start to my day, this time thanks to a 1:00am return home from seeing Dave Chappelle at the Tabernacle last night.
Friday, Not Flyday
Friday was not a great day for me and travel agents. First, I thought that my trip to El Paso in July was all booked, only to find out that my company’s travel agent never booked the flights because they never received confirmation from my boss. I’m now scheduled to arrive much later than I thought, so my desire to do a little sightseeing in El Paso has been ended.
Later in the day I decided to update my travel itinerary for my trip to Colorado in September. When I signed up for this hashing weekend we were headed to Durango, CO, so I booked a flight to Durango via Denver. About a month ago I found out that plans to hold the event in Durango completely fell through, so the weekend was being moved to another city, Monarch. Well, Monarch is actually closer to Denver than Durango so we all decided to ditch the Denver->Durango leg of our itinerary. My first thought was “I just won’t board the second flight”, but then was immediately warned by others that this was a bad plan. It turns out that in the post-9/11 world if you try a crazy stunt like this the airlines will cancel your return trip. On Friday I called United to officially cancel my second leg of the trip. At first I was mad because in order to drop the second leg (remember, this is a trip scheduled for September) there was going to be a $100 charge! WTF? I am “returning” a seat which could be resold, and I wasn’t even asking for my money to be returned, so why screw me for $100? After arguing for a couple of minutes the agent informed me that the new itinerary was $150 cheaper than before, so even with the penalty I’d still be receiving a refund of $50. While I am happy to get some money returned, the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.
Casting A Long Shadow
It’s not often that I direct you to another website, but today I will do so. Over on Swapatorium they have a post that really intrigues me. In this post they have a set of pictures which include a shadow of the person taking the photo. I think it’s cool because often time we forget that there is someone else on the other side of the camera, and this post reminds us of this.
Note To Self
Yesterday’s Sunday Morning Runners’ Group was hosted at Sudesh’s house, with beer and bagels supplied by Betsy, and courses of lengths five-and-a-half and eight miles mapped out by me using Gmaps Pedometer. Confused?
My courses went from Sudesh’s house in East Atlanta toward Cabbagetown and back. During the short course I reminded myself often that if I wanted to be satisfied with my running I am going to have to run more than once every other week. This conclusion seems logical but for some reason I cannot get myself out running again. I’ll keep you all posted as to the changes that occur this week due to this amazing revelation.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – not bad all things considered
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing Death Cab For Cutie — “Soul Meets Body”
Website Of The Day – Want to create cool looking buttons for your website? Then you should go see The Buttonator.
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – running, 5.5 slow, tough miles
Paulie [eatl/ga]
how was Dave Chappelle? I had a late afternoon offer to go, but didn’t feel like staying up late. I know, what a loser I am. Free ticket and I turn it down.
He was really funny; no skits just standup. We were also entertained by Mos Def, who this humble ITP’er didn’t know.
A free ticket would have been nice, although paying $65 (plus fees) was worth it being in the second row!
Ah, another one of those fun things I haven’t had time to notice was going on, like Ferris Bueller (still haven’t seen it) at Screen on the Green, and some concert I missed that I’m currently repressing.
It’s hard to get back into the routine once you get out of it.
Thanks for the post to the Shadow pictures. Seeing them all together like that, the photographer’s shadow became like the ghost of the same person making an appearance in all of these different settings, times, and groups of people. I actually stopped looking at the subjects and focused on who was it taking the picture. Cool.