Project Restore Almost Complete
I have Ye Olde Media PC back up and running (psst- I am typing on it right now). While it is far from perfect, it is finally servicable.
To make the update clean I backed up my old iTunes library (the 160kbps stuff) and started anew with the my fresh, ear-pleasing 192kbps collection. Sure, I lost some of those cds that weren’t officially in my possession (read “p!rated”), but I have a cleaner conscience and can use my iPod as an inventory device when I am in a record store.
[side note 1: I thought that I owned The Replacements’ “Tim” because it was in my iPod and passed on buying it when I was in Clemson. Had I known that it wasn’t in my permanent collection I would have snatched it up.]
[side note 2: After I threw down the gauntlet at the RIAA yesterday I plan to keep my nose clean until at least the weekend.]
Who Was At The Sold Out She Wants Revenge Show?
I WAS! Here are some (more dark) pictures to prove it. (Click any of those to take you to more, and more will be added when time permits)
Yeah, my pictures are one again too fucking dark. This is crazy! I was three people deep (and behind some dude with a nearly-shaven head as many of my pictures prove) and my flash fired on every shot. When I previewed these pictures on the lcd they all looked sufficiently bright. I just don’t understand. I think it’s time to learn some photoshop skills.
One other important lesson I learned last night was that even if it looks like I have plenty of battery life left, I always need to bring a backup battery. My battery died about twenty minutes into the She Wants Revenge set.
Who Let Their Dog Out?
I’m no Super Sleuth but me thinks that someone’s dog got out into the neighborhood the other day. This is a picture I took in my carport before going out Monday.
Of Course, If They Had A Triple Roll…
In yesterday’s blog entry I bitched about the size of toilet paper rolls. Then yesterday afternoon I read this
MOSS BLUFF, Fla. — A man accused of fatally beating his roommate with a sledgehammer and a claw hammer because there was no toilet paper in their home has been arrested.
Franklin Paul Crow, 56, was charged Monday with homicide in the death of Kenneth Matthews, 58, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.
Capt. Thomas Bibb said Crow initially denied his involvement, but confessed during questioning.
Crow told investigators that the men were fighting about the toilet paper over the weekend when Matthews pulled out a rifle. Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer, according to an affidavit.
Matthews was beaten so badly he had to be identified through his fingerprints, detectives said.
Crow was being held at the Marion County jail without bond. It was not immediately known whether he had an attorney.
Perhaps if they were buying triple-sized rolls Kenneth Matthews would be alive today. Then again, somebody would have probably been killed for using the last of the toothpaste, or drinking the last of the milk.
Grasping At Drinking Straws
Yesterday I received my City of Atlanta Water and Sewage bill. With every bill there is also a little newsletter with pertainent information and relatively asburd information on it.
This being “Black History Month” (now why wasn’t that changed to “African-American History Month”?) there is a section titled “African-American Water Pioneers.” Water Pioneers?
The brain trust at Newsletter Central really put in some overtime for this segment. The best of the entries was as follows
African-American brick masons built many of Atlanta’s 100-year-old sewers.
That’s the sort of shit I would have written in a book report when I was seven years old (pretty close to the time said masons were laying brick, okay not really). Was this supposed to honor them for being able to build a sewer system that could last 100 years? Shouldn’t all other ethnicities feel slighted for not being mentioned as part of the people who built our 100-year-old sewer?
Shame on you City of Atlanta Watershed Mangagement Department for coming up with such a lame “honor.” You should have ditched this “obtuse factoid” and given us three more lines about the real African-American Water Pioneer who you mentioned in the newsletter, Dr. Victor Ibeanusi.
As A Matter Of Fact, I Do Have Class
It’s a digital photography course starting March 6th at Showcase. Specifically, I have signed up for the class Digital 101 because I have figured out that I will never find time to read the manual and therefore need to have something to force me into learning how to take better pictures. The first couple of classes may bore me, but at this point I think that I should start at square one.
The only downside of my decision is that the class I signed up for is taught on Monday nights so I will have to take a hiatus from Monday night trivia. Oh well, it’s not like I couldn’t play trivia any other night of the week.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – self-righteous
Current Music – none, listening to Adam Curry’s “Daily Source Code” podcast
Website Of The Day – Hopefully someday I will be able to take photographs that are as cool as those shown at Daily Dose of Imagery.
If you ever want a quick glance of the sites I’ve picked for my Websites Of The Day, you can check them out on, my user name is InsideThePerimeter (go figure), and they are all tagged as “blogged.”
Exercise (b)Log – nothing, not enough time between work, dinner, and concert.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Before you go pirating a bunch of tunes, you might note that the guy who hosted edonkey/emule’s major server (Razorback2) got raided and locked up by the “one time” I know it was all the way in Switzerland or something, but my paranoia rivers run deep (and I’ve perused that server recently) Doh!
I gave up my very small-time pirating career (ARR!) back in the days of Napster. While I have received some burned CDs in my time I buy those I like and destroy the ones I don’t (see, RIAA sometimes sharing promotes purchasing).