It Didn’t Look Good, You Really Shoulda Seen Her
It’ll Be Like Running On Clouds
Unlike Maigh, I don’t like running in the rain. I don’t fear that I will melt, I fear that I will swell up like a spinge.
With daunting skies I headed to Big Peach Running Company (a bigger blurb by yours truly about them here) and purchased these beauts

They are called the Gel Cumulus. How dreamy…
Apparently they were designed by former Apple Industrial Engineers, the ones who designed this

Local Nerd Buys Compact Refrigerator Vows Never To Leave Office
After Sunday’s poolside Drink-O-Rama I headed to Lowe’s (you know, the one in the shopping center that I swore I wouldn’t support) for more Katrina fortifications. I had just enough liquid energy in me to finally buy a compact refrigerator for the office.
Let’s see, that makes refrigerator, coffee pot, rice/veggie steamer, blender; all I am missing is a microwave and a pillow and I’d have a $1500 a month apartment in Manhattan right in my office!
Local Nerd Then Vows To Use Camera Phone For Good, Not Evil
I am tired of going to a grocery store and getting screwed at the register (is this like getting fucked at the drivethrough?). This morning I stopped by a Publix on my way into work to pick up rations for the new refrigerator. While there I noticed that something was “Buy One, Get One Free”. Shame on me for not checking the receipt at the register (which is such a pain in the ass when you have to fight to prove your correctness). In the future I think that I’ll snap a shot of the shelf tag as proof that I am getting screwed by The Man.
CD Day!!
Need some new tunes for your Labor Day car trip?
Well, the major label release from Death Cab For Cutie called “Plans” drops today. Buy it, and then tell your friends that you’ve been a fan of DCFB for years and that you can’t believe that they sold out. Say it with enough bravado and they will certainly believe you.
psst- Goodbye Ultimate Band List, um Artist Direct (note the lack of linkage). I am fucking tired of your popup window advertising and flash movies that I cannot close. You shall never be linked from this website again!
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – I want to be Free! (see below)
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 26 playing Primal Scream — “Loaded”
Website Of The Day – Need a free lightweight project manager, try Voo2Do.
Yesterday’s Exercise (b)Log – nada… as in nada thing
Paulie [eatl/ga]
I Did More Damage Than Hurricane Katrina
It Didn’t Look Good, You Really Shoulda Seen Her
It’ll Be Like Running On Clouds
Unlike Maigh, I don’t like running in the rain. I don’t fear that I will melt, I fear that I will swell up like a spinge.
With daunting skies I headed to Big Peach Running Company (a bigger blurb by yours truly about them here) and purchased these beauts
They are called the Gel Cumulus. How dreamy…
Apparently they were designed by former Apple Industrial Engineers, the ones who designed this
Local Nerd Buys Compact Refrigerator Vows Never To Leave Office
After Sunday’s poolside Drink-O-Rama I headed to Lowe’s (you know, the one in the shopping center that I swore I wouldn’t support) for more Katrina fortifications. I had just enough liquid energy in me to finally buy a compact refrigerator for the office.
Let’s see, that makes refrigerator, coffee pot, rice/veggie steamer, blender; all I am missing is a microwave and a pillow and I’d have a $1500 a month apartment in Manhattan right in my office!
Local Nerd Then Vows To Use Camera Phone For Good, Not Evil
I am tired of going to a grocery store and getting screwed at the register (is this like getting fucked at the drivethrough?). This morning I stopped by a Publix on my way into work to pick up rations for the new refrigerator. While there I noticed that something was “Buy One, Get One Free”. Shame on me for not checking the receipt at the register (which is such a pain in the ass when you have to fight to prove your correctness). In the future I think that I’ll snap a shot of the shelf tag as proof that I am getting screwed by The Man.
CD Day!!
Need some new tunes for your Labor Day car trip?
Well, the major label release from Death Cab For Cutie called “Plans” drops today. Buy it, and then tell your friends that you’ve been a fan of DCFB for years and that you can’t believe that they sold out. Say it with enough bravado and they will certainly believe you.
psst- Goodbye Ultimate Band List, um Artist Direct (note the lack of linkage). I am fucking tired of your popup window advertising and flash movies that I cannot close. You shall never be linked from this website again!
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – I want to be Free! (see below)
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 26 playing Primal Scream — “Loaded”
Website Of The Day – Need a free lightweight project manager, try Voo2Do.
Yesterday’s Exercise (b)Log – nada… as in nada thing
Paulie [eatl/ga]