In Case Of Emergency, Do Nothing!

I’m in a mood — one of those moods which makes me question my existence.

Is There A Doctor In The House?
I think that I should go see a doctor about my allergic reaction that started last Saturday. The only problem is that I don’t have a doctor.

The last time I went to see a physician was around November 2002 (or was it 2001?) for a similar malady. The doctor I saw at that time was “new to me” because the “my” doctor had left the practice (without letting his patients know, apparently). I really didn’t care for the “new” doc, so I vowed not to go back. It’s not that I have been exactly 100% healty since, but I’m part of the Sub-Species Stubbornus under Genus Homo Species Sapien therefore I tend to avoid medical practitioners.

I wonder if I can combine this trip with a about-to-turn-40-finger-up-my-arse physical?

Smoke Now, For Tomorrow You May Not Be Able To
As of tomorrow bars and restaurants in Georgia have to choose between on of the following

  • Admit patrons younder than 18 and ban smoking
  • Ban patrons younger than 18 and allow smoking

I’m looking forward to this change. I only hope that it doesn’t destroy the business of some of my favorite places to eat.

We Interrupt This Blog Entry To Install More Memory
This pc has been sluggish of late, so I’m packing it with more ram. Be back shortly….
I’m back!

How Do You Ruin An Already Bad Run?
Mother Nature spewed gallons of water on me during my Wednesday night “run.” Blech. The only joy I found in my own private Idaho last night was when I jumped feet first into a puddle at the corner of Briarcliff Road and North Decatur Road. Oh, it was like being a child again!.

It never rained in the Highlands so as I sauntered back toward George’s Bar looking like a drowned rat people gave me the strangest looks.

Living In A Fantasy World
Yesterday I found out that the people over at the Performance Bicycle website have set up a fantasy league for the 2005 Tour de France. Cool. I’m just nerdy enough to be interested.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – far from 100%
Current Music – Coverville Podcast #104
Website Of The Day – Those crazy kids and their Flickr Tags. Devious Gelatin has an application called Montager which makes a montage of a photo using Flickr photos which have tags matching the ones you entered into the form. Try it, but please read the warning on the page first.

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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4 Responses to In Case Of Emergency, Do Nothing!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Paulie, you gotta learn to make lemonade. The rain during the run last night was refreshing, cooling, and cleansing. Bunny and I did a longer loop and it poured on us. What a joy! Running during a summer shower/storm is one of the most pleasant things about summer.

  2. Paulie says:

    I might agree with you if I had a complete change of clothes and a proper locker room in which to change. Having to hurry up and change in George’s is not my idea of fun.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Not to make your mood any worse 😉 But does the name Warren Zevon mean anything to you? He didn’t go to a doctor for almost 20 years.

  4. Paulie says:

    It’s not that I absolutely refuse medical treatment, it’s that I never felt what I had was serious enough.

    I guess my beef was more toward this singular doctor.

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