This week my content, much like my life, has been on the lackluster side. I need to shake things up a bit.
Unreal Estate, aka What’s In A Name?
The other day I saw a sign near the Edgewood Shopping District for a new housing community. You may remember the hubub about stores in this shopping center calling themselves “of Midtown” raising the blood pressures of some intowners.
The sign caught my eye because it said “The Preserve at East Atlanta” and touted itself as “DeKalb’s first Conservation-Zoned neighborhood”.
Using the currently-popular-nearby-neighborhood in your name is nothing new. I have heard of many apartments/houses being wrongly-touted as “in” or “near” Buckhead, Brookhaven, Decatur, Vinings, etc. during my ten years in Atlanta. But “of East Atlanta”? Where the heck is this thing going to be built?
First, let me say that the website for “The Preserve at East Atlanta” is no help. I could not find a single map or directions to the community using their site. The only clue I gathered was from their statement
Enjoy hiking along Sugar Creek to discover a new species of wildlife in the afternoon, and still meet your friends for an evening on the town.
From my best determination Sugar Creek is down on I285 near I675, hardly what I would call East Atlanta, thankyouverylittle.
Jeepers The Cops!
I decided to run the Full Moon Hash last night. Knowing that the hash wouldn’t be off the scale for difficulty and would provide me with a smidgeon of exercise, it seemed like the thing to do.
This hash had the added bonus of a beer stop midway through the course. The beer stop was a welcome sight as I meandered down the old railroad bed which runs behind the Home Depot on Ponce because I knew that I could rest a spell and perhaps drink a frosty beverage. I am glad I didn’t.
We all stood around the bed of a pickup truck enjoying the beautiful evening, joking, and what do you know, the police arrived. That’s right, some fucking assclown called the cops on us!
Okay, I know it’s illegal to drink alcohol in public. Got it! But there were no more than fifteen adults, standing around a truck, not creating much commotion (especially compared to our endings), in the early evening. Jesus H Christ, lighten up people!
Luckily we saw the police in time to hide the few open containers that were present.
And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – bored
Current Music – Coverville Podcast for 22-Jun-05
Website Of The Day – Everyone says that I need to get a dog. I think that I’ll just keep on pretending that I have one by visiting Dogster.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
Hmmp! Crazy Cop Callers! I’d have had to turn it around on them… When 5-0 shows …ALWAYS GREET THEM AS IF YOU ARE THE ONE THAT CALLED!
That’s a great idea!
…works like a charm!
Hey …I was just looking at “tour dates” for (my favorite) local band …it looks like they’re in your neck of the woods these days. Do you like country all? This guy is highly entertaining ..very upbeat show ..alot of energy. If you want you can take a look at his website. He’s coming again on June 30th -too bad I won’t be down until Sunday:( We could go!!
I am not a huge country fan. I’ll take a look around the website and see if looks like it might appeal to me.
Mystery solved:
Here’s a map to The Preserve East Atlanta.
They’re on pretty firm ground calling it East Atlanta, I suppose.
Ok, I’ll give them that they are in East Atlanta. However, I still don’t have to be happy about it.
Nor should you be.