Taxing Poetically

I’ve filled out all the forms
And signed on the bottom line
You kept taking too much from me
It’s time to give me back what’s mine!

Taxes are in the mail — finally!

That’s Apprentical
(skip ahead if you don’t want to know about last night’s episode)

I got to catch last night’s Apprentice episode on dvr (the Dish Network variety). A quick aside, people if you haven’t discovered the world of dvr you are really missing out. An hour episode can be watched in 41-43 minutes! Sweet!

Chris, the completely unpolished “real estate millionaire” was “fired” last night. The funny thing was that Trump told him that he needed to get his anger issues under control. The airing of this episode really makes the fact that he was arrested in a Tampa casino last week funnier.

If it already hasn’t beed done I think that someone needs to start a Trump Index and track the stock of the sucka companies that pimp their warez on The Apprentice. That Pontiac Solstace that they were pushing last night looked pretty sweet. Oh wait, it’s a GM. Nevermind.

It’s Not What You Drink, It’s Were You Drink It
I had a wonderful dinner with friends last night at the Inman Park Patio (may I suggest the Duck Pizza Pie?). The night was made even better when the bill arrived and I discovered that the Sweetwater 420s that I drank cost a mere $2 each! Wooo Hooo!

The Atlanta Falcons have not one, but three regular-season Monday night home games scheduled for the 2005 season! Whoa, Ron Mexico is The Man! Not only that, he’ll be stuffing the Thanksgiving Turkey in Motown on Thanksgiving Day. I know what I’ll be doing after running the Atlanta Half Marathon this year.

ARGH, my DSL connection if fucking S-L-O-W today!!!

How Does He Reach The Pedals?
Lovelable little person Emmanuel Lewis was pulled over for speeding in southwestern Georgia yesterday. The USA Today, America’s High School Newspaper has the complete story here.

I’m Ready To Return To The Drunken Clam, Are You?
FAMILY GUY, May 1st!
FAMILY GUY, May 1st!
Can you tell that I am excited? I’ve already got my dvr set to record. If your an uber geek you may even want to subscribe to the Family Guy RSS feed.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – a bit hungover, ready for weekend…
Current Music – Sirius Satellite Radio, Channel 26 playing the Mooney Suzuki “Alive & Amplified”
Website Of The DayThe Cartoon Fridge, supposedly streaming cartoons/animation to you!

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to Taxing Poetically

  1. Going to the patio for my first time on Sunday. Hope it’s as good as it looks!

    You say eposide – I say episode! 😉

    Forgive me baseball players, but I can’t wait for football to start again!!!

    Have a great weekend brother dear.

  2. Paulie says:

    Thanks for correcting me. I just fired my edotir. 🙂

    You have a great weekend as well!

  3. P.S. New Orleans survived me. Who knew??

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