Media Frenzy

I will be straight up with you, nary a book is mentioned below. Deal with it!

Stop Motion Animation
Last night I ventured out to the movies, alone even. Since I was headed to the Midtown Art Cinema I also used it as an excuse to eat and drink at The Highlander. My movie of choice was something for which I have been salivating since seeing its trailer — The Animation Show 2005. A funny thing happened last night, my friend Glenn was also at the theater there to see the same movie, so apparently I wouldn’t have had to go solo afterall.

And then a sad thing happened on my way to animation bliss; technical difficulties on the last night of the movie’s run. DRAT! (which is an interjection) Luckily we were told that Midtown Art Cinema is planning on showing the movie for another week. Whew! (another interjection)

Before finding out that the movie was to be held over I kept cursing myself for not taking the offer to see the pre-screening last week. Being a man of integrity I had to turn down the offer to see it because I had already made plans to have dinner at another friend’s house. Cancellation of offer one because of a later offer is weak people, don’t do it…

Animation, Uncancelled
the family guy is returning to tv. What, you didn’t hear me? I SAID THAT THE FAMILY GUY IS RETURNING TO TV!!!! Yes children, the Family Guy is returning to Fox on May 1st. Considering that my limited dvd collection contains both Family Guy boxsets you might correctly assume that I am excited!

Apparently someone is posting a bit of a blog on the Family Guy site, here is a humours excerpt from the latest entry

Alright, first things first. St. Patty’s Day had its Irish way with me and if anyone finds my liver, please contact me here at the office. It was last seen boarding a bus headed to Atlanta. Thank you.

I’ve been looking everywhere for his liver. You never know, it could bring a handsome reward.

TV That I Wanted To Be Uncancelled
Last Fall I was watching a brilliantly crafted fake reality show called My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss on Fox. It was a spoof of The Apprentice, one of my other favorite mind-numbing television series. According to all accounts ten episodes were scheduled to be broadcast, however the series was pulled after five. Fuck You, you fucking fucks at Fox!

Well, low and behold my prayers were partially answered! Fox has been trickling out the remaining episodes once a week on the internet (thank you, Al Gore)! Not only that, each episode is thankfully commercial free (since it is streamed I’d be unable to skip them).

Oh and by the way, if you are really like me you’ll also be happy to know that Fox has put up all episodes of last Summer’s cancelled reality show Playing It Straight on the internet as well.

TV That Should Be Cancelled
Give up NBC. Stop making, er remaking, comedies that aired on the BBC. Last Fall you tried Coupling, it tanked, and now The Office? Before watching the only two minutes I could stomach of last night’s pilot I already had it in my mind that I would hate it. I know, that’s not very objective but I am not a (professional) TV critic, nor do I play one on TV. I was right. Steve Carell, sorry but you are no Ricky Gervais (who btw – once attempted to be a “rock star” go here to find out more about his band Seona Dancing).

Thank You Again, Al Gore
Today’s Website Of The Day is an homage to what I believe is the best use of the Internet — making fun of others. The link below was sent out by my friend, Trivia Mistress Amy, earlier in the week and I have been laughing ever since.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – wishing I took the day off for a bike ride
Current Music – Adam Curry’s Daily Source Podcast from Mar 24, 2005
Website Of The DayLaughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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3 Responses to Media Frenzy

  1. Scholastic Rock is downright giddy that you paid attention all those years ago!

    By the way, hat hair is sexy 😉 hehe

    Oh, and if you ever decide you really want to have some fun in Atlanta, come salsa dancing with me 🙂

    I’m in a mood…watch out Atlanta!

  2. Paulie says:

    dancing + paulie = bad
    (dancing * salsa) + paulie = downright_ugly

  3. You can be such a wuss Paulie!


    Throw on your dancing shoes and go kick it up. By midnight everyone is usually trashed anywhere you might want to go…so no one will notice nor care!

    Otherwise, have a great weekend bro!

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