Walking Around With Your Head In The Clouds, It Makes No Sense At All

I called my hour-long walk prior to securing our table for team trivia at Taco Mac in the Highlands exercise. It’s a tiny step in the right direction at least.

House Of Hot Sauce
There is a house in the Highlands that I walked by last night that really caught my eye. It’s a typical Craftsman style abode where either the front porch has been converted into a room, or large windows have been installed replacing smaller ones.

As I walked by I noticed hot sauce. Originally I thought that the room was wallpapered in tacky paper (think also “golf or bass fishing” themes). To my astonishment, the walls were not covered in paper, but rather with shelves filled with bottles of hot sauce! Crazy! Even if I had my camera on me I am not sure that I would have felt comfortable enough to shoot a shot of the insides of someone’s house.

I’m Not Supposed To Be Here Tonight
My walk also surprised me last night when I stumbled onto Monday night’s hash trail. I called the Hash’s Hot Line to hear last night’s starting point and it turned out that the start was the Home Depot on Ponce de Leon. Knowing that tidbit of information I made the assumption that I was walking the trail backwards. At the next check I kicked it back to where I had just been and then turned around to see how far I could follow the trail. I guess I must have covered about half of the trail when it didn’t turn in the direction I needed it to, so I am really not sure where it ended.

Subject Matter Expert, My Ass!
Seven o’clock saw me arrive at Taco Mac. I’m like fucking clockwork, Mister Predictable, Captain Pattern. I’m sure that there is a name for what ever condition I have that drives me to be early, and care whether or not the table is large enough for all; I just don’t know what it is.

I’ve mentioned before that I my contributions to the team is mostly sports knowledge. To my surprise and embarrassment I missed BOTH sports questions last night. Here they are (the answers are “hidden”, use your mouse to highlight them).

Q: Which team has appeared on Monday Night Football the most?
A: Miami Dolphins
Q: Which 41 year-old Detroit Red Wing was the oldest man to score 100 points in the NHL?
A: Gordie Howe

Man, did I ever feel stupid last night.

Happy (Belated) Birthday
Crap, I missed Ebay’s tenth birthday (anniversary) yesterday.

Tuesday’s Toy Of The Day
I finally found something that I feel is worthy of drooling over, although I cannot get my grubby little hands on it just yet. Today’s toy is the Sony Playstation Portable, aka the “PSP” which is due out in United States stores on Thursday. I have but two problems with this toy. First, I wanted the price to be $199 and not $249. Second, I still have my doubts about the battery life for this beast. It’s supposed to be portable, the last thing I want to do is to lug around extra batteries or a AC adapter.

And now for some ideas stolen from LiveJournal…
Current Mood – not so bright
Current Music – Adam Curry’s “Daily Sourcecode Podcast” from Mar 21, 2005
Website Of The DayAtlanta Gas Prices

Paulie [eatl/ga]

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6 Responses to Walking Around With Your Head In The Clouds, It Makes No Sense At All

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hast the “Incredibles” shown up yet? We want to borrow it… 😉


  2. Paulie says:

    As a matter of fact it has. You may borrow it soon.

  3. YIW – I thought I was the “incredibles” you were wanting to borrow?? 😉

    I want to see this house o’hot sauce…sounds like the owners are slightly eccentric. Sounds like me!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Paulie! By the way, love the Website of the Day. That was a really good idea 😉
    I’m feeling much less taunted on a daily basis…

    ananon — you’re on my list.


  5. Paulie says:

    Wow, all of you people hated seeing that I was not reading anything. Interesting…

    Maybe I am being too nice, maybe that line item should return… ]:->

  6. Anonymous says:


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