Monthly Archives: February 2005

Will Blog For Food

Now why didn’t I think of quitting my job to blog fulltime like the guy in this story in Wired? Oh yeah, it’s because I make no money doing this… When I Said Music Was My Drug Of Choice, I … Continue reading

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Old Skool TV

You So Channel 13! I guess you have to grow up in New York to get my reference. Channel 13 was (is?) New York’s Public Broadcasting System (known as PBS to many) affiliate. Sit down children and I’ll tell you … Continue reading

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Mama’s Boy

Today is the second biggest day on my calendar! It’s my mother’s birthday!!! My birthday is the biggest day, of course. It’s Not Polite To Give Away A Woman’s Age Unless it’s a biggie! Today my mother became 75 years … Continue reading

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Gone Fishin’

To Do List For Wednesday, Feb 23rd – wake up early – call in sick (mental health day) – contemplate cleaning house – ignore last idea – contemplate drinking all day – remember haircut appointment and running, postpone start of … Continue reading

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Hello, Hello Again…

I figured yesterday’s readership would be as low as a non-national election turnout, so I tried something different. Based on the lack of comments yesterday I’ll assume that my foray into humor went unread, was not funny, or both. Now … Continue reading

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We interrupt this regularly-scheduled Blogger entry to report on issues missed by all other news outlets…. Kerry’s Home Town To Celebrate “Different Holiday” LOWELL, MA – In an act of kindness, John Kerry’s hometown of Lowell, MA agreed to declare … Continue reading

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Running Early, Stealing Time, Paybacks Are Hell

This morning I was actually out of the house early. Go figure. Unfortunately I was too early since I made it to the coffee shop twenty minutes before they opened. Bummer. Noticing that Ellen was in there setting up I … Continue reading

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This Will Hurt Only For A Little While

I used to be fat — like obese. On a good day I stand 5’9″ tall (stop laughing, that is the average height for an American male). A little more than ten years ago I weighed 245lbs (that was a … Continue reading

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Running Late, Running On Empty, At Least I’m Not Running From The Law

Whew, where has the time gone this morning; it’s already 9:00am! Jack-O’s Got The Flu Yeah, sure he does. Michael Jackson was taken to an emergency room… Why does the phrase “If the condom doesn’t fit you must acquit” keep … Continue reading

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Connecting The Dots

How Do You Do It? A lot of people (in the small community of those of you who read this) have asked me how I manage to post daily. It’s very simple — I have a lot of time alone, … Continue reading

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