Prior to seeing Team America at the Plaza Theater last night I parked in the parking lot behind Market One. The lot was fairly empty which was odd, and then I noticed that the back door of Market One had been boarded up. Seems as if Market One is becoming Market Gone. Now it may seem unusual, but this bothers me. I used to love shopping in this building when it was Harry’s In A Hurry, but not so much as when it became Market One. Apparently I was not the only one to feel this way. To me it was the cool, hip small pseudo-independent market intown. Many an attractive intown woman shopped there, and I cursed myself often for not being able to pick them up. However, the groceries there were always outstanding. Harry’s and I guess Market One, lost out to Kroger, Publix, and the last entry into the intown grocery game Whole Foods.
While talking about Kroger I’d like to mention a phenomena that I think may be unique to the intown Atlanta market — we have a tendency to label our Kroger stores. To the best of my recollection there is “Disco” Kroger (which resides where Atlanta’s old disco was); “Kosher” Kroger (which resides in one of Atlanta’s highly-populated Jewish areas); “Gay” Kroger (which resides in one of Atlanta’s highly-populated gay/lesbian areas); and “Scary” Kroger (which is on Ponce near the Atlanta’s institution The Clairmont Lounge). The Kroger near my house in East Atlanta has yet to get a name, at least to the best of my knowledge. I guess it’s just not popular enough yet.
Paulie [eatl/ga]
I thought it the name was ‘Murder’ Kroger